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Online analysis portal for Saunders and Macosko et al. 2018. Cell

(Developed in the McCarroll Lab)

The mammalian brain is composed of a vast (and unknown) number of specialized cell types whose complex interactions underlie behavior. To better appreciate these cellular specializations — and the genes that cells of diverse types use to perform their jobs — we used Drop-seq to analyze 690,000 individual cells from nine different regions of the adult mouse brain. We identified 1.45 billion RNA transcripts among these cells, then used the cells' patterns of RNA expression to classify them into transcriptionally distinct groups of cells (clusters and subclusters). Most of these clusters and subclusters correspond to discrete cell types; some to dynamic cell states; and many, we expect, to aspects of cell biology that remain to be discovered.

Online analysis portal for Krienen et al. 2020. Nature

(Developed in the McCarroll Lab)

The qualitative and quantitative deployment of gene expression across conserved interneuron types indicates that, even for genes that are pan-neuronally expressed, evolution has strongly constrained quantitative gene-expression levels. We have developed a simple web-based data resource that facilitates cross-species comparisons of interneurons.


© 2020 by Arpy Saunders. Created with

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